Tuesday 15 October 2013

Match On Action

The Activity 
Match on action is a filming technique that is used to show two different shots in a scene but both shots match the action and pace of the first shot. This shows continuity throughout the whole scene. The activity we were given was a scenario and we had to decide where the best place to put the cameras would be. Our scenario was to 'walk through a door' we put the cameras in two different places, both sides of the door. One was to the side of the character when she was going through the  door and the other camera was placed the other side of the door so we could see the character come through the door.

The simplest part of the activity was editing our video because there was only two different shots and they were very short so there was not much to cut and get rid off. The scenario we got given was somebody walking through a door. We had to make sure our video looked as realistic as possible, therefore, when editing we had to make sure that it flowed fluently. 

The most challenging part of the activity was the camera angles, this was because we had to make sure we put the cameras in the correct angle so that you didn't see anything other than the character and the door. We had to make sure the other camera wasn't in view because this could make our clip look unprofessional. We kept checking to make sure that both cameras were in the correct angle and you couldn't see either cameras. 

The positioning of the camera was important because we needed to ensure that we filmed all the correct parts; For Leah walking through the door we positioned one of the cameras behind her so we could see both her and the door. We positioned the other camera on the other side of the door so we could see her coming through the door and walking past. I think we positioned the cameras quite well. 

If I was to be more critical of my work I would slightly change the camera angle so that we get everything we need in the frame. 

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