Monday 24 February 2014

Research and Planning

Before we could go out and film, we had to plan what we were going to do, this involved creating a shot list of the different angles and camera shots we were going to use. We also created a script of which we had to follow to make shooting a success.  By doing this it really helped us to plan what we were going to achieve when we went out filming.

We did find the story boarding and shotlisting quite difficult because it needed to be accurate and we didnt want to be changing what we had already wrote down. On the shot list we also wrote down how long we wanted to spend filming each different shot.

Script: Leah
Shotlist: Emma
Storyboard: Leah

Below is the Script.

This is the Shotlist, this was completed by Emma. On the shot list we had to write all the different camera shots and angles.

Finally the Storyboard, this was completed by Leah, on the storyboard we stated what was going to happen in each shot.

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