Friday 14 March 2014


For our evaluation, we decided to create a website, myself and Leah created the website with input from Emma. Click the link below to access it.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Final Titles

This is our final piece for our two minute horror film opening.

Wednesday 12 March 2014


We used two different locations to film in. This varied from an outside area in the woods (Bentley Priory) and the sixth form common room. These are two very different locations yet they fitted in with what we wanted to film.

Myself, Shannon, Leah and Emma. 
Myself, Shannon, Emma and Leah

6th form common room 

We chose Bentley Priory because it is a very horror like and fitted all of the horror conventions. There was a large wooded area that was good to film in as well as sections of dirty water. Bentley Priory had lots of wooded areas which was perfect for us as we planned to film key scenes in this environment. The areas we filmed in were very dull and eerie, this was a positive effect to have throughout our opening

The sixth form was the second location we chose to film in. We decided to use the common room because it is relatable for our target audience and fitted in with what we wanted to achieve. We chose the common room because it is set in a school and our characters are all students aged between 16-17 therefore it was the perfect place for use to film a scene for our opening horror titles.

Both of the locations we selected to film in were a great success because we got all of our filming done in the amount of time we had, the settings we filmed in look effective and will attract our target audience as well as the locations the acting itself went very well and as a group we are happy with the overall filming and the locations we selected. Myself and Emma had the job of doing a lot of the filming and ensuring that every shot we done was correct. Leah and Shannon took on the role of directing, this was to ensure we got all acting and filming done in the set time we had and got everything we needed to be filmed, filmed.

Monday 10 March 2014

Pre- Filming Activities

The following images are photos from our day we spent filming ( and some other time!) they are all photos of the footage we did not use in our final product.

When we went to Bentley Priory we had already decided and knew what we wanted to film and what we wanted to achieve, we spent the whole day filming all of the footage and we did get what we wanted. It was a very successful day and what we needed to get filmed we did.

However when we got back to school and uploaded all of the footage we realised that what we thought would be a good, strong opening horror titles, wasn't. We realised that what we had got was too much like a trailer and therefore, didn't fit the task we had been set to do and we had to rethink what we could do to change it and improve it.

We then had to rethink what we could do to make our horror better. We decided to use some of our footage we took at Bentley Priory at the beginning of our two minute opening. We then chose to film in our school because it would work well with our idea because our main characters are teenagers and still in school.

We filmed in our school and we did get filmed what we needed to get done, but then we had the same problem and the filming was not correct and did not look right, so we had to think again about what we could do to complete our two minute opening.

 We finally decided to move where we filmed into the sixth form common room, this went really well and we got everything filmed in the space of two hours. We used the footage from the common room in our final horror opening.

As a result of filming, I think that, although we had bit of a hard time when it came to our footage, I think what we got looks great and really fits in with the horror conventions seen in real horror films.

Sunday 9 March 2014

Health and Safety form

Below I have put the health and safety form we needed to fill out before we went out and filmed our horror film opening.

Risk assesment from FernDuggan

The health and safety form was completed by myself and Leah. We worked together and decided what and where the hazards would be at Bentley Priory. We then had to say what could happen to us in different situations we could be getting into whilst filming. We stated who was at risk, and what we could do to prevent the incident from happening. After completing the other columns we had to say what we think the risk rating would be. By doing this we were more aware of our surroundings and what the dangers were going to be. 

Friday 7 March 2014


For our horror film opening, we had to choose costumes for each of our characters to fit their age and wear what a conventional teenager would wear.  All of our characters were in their teens (17). My character was called Charlotte, I wore a pink and black blouse with a cardigan and black jeans with red converse. What I decided to wear is quite popular as most teenagers are either at sixth form or college and therefore wearing smart clothes represents this.
Fern's Costume
Skye, played by Leah was also a 17 year old victim of the killer. Leah decided to wear a green coat, leggings and white converse. This is a very popular look for teenagers at the moment so this fitted well with the character Leah was portraying.
Leah's Costume

Finally, there is Laura played by Shannon, Laura is Skye's best friend and they are very close, Laura wants to ensure that Skye is safe and warns her about the latest disappearances that have been occurring. Her costume is what a conventinal teenage girl would wear. The scene that this is worn in is set at school and therefore shows that she is in sixth form. 

Shannon's costume

Thursday 6 March 2014

Horror film opening - filming

For our two minute opening of our horror film we went and filmed at Bentley Priory, we chose Bentley Priory because it lots of different sections that we could use to film. There was a big river that was in the centre that was surrounded by trees which gave it an eerie feel. There was also a huge area that was canopied by trees, this was effective because it didn't let all the light in so there was a sense it was early evening.

As you can see from the images of Bentley Priory above, it was a very spooky, yet perfect location to film a horror film. When we went it was raining all day, this did not cause a problem for us though, because it just added an extra effect of eeriness. However the only downside of the constant rain we had that day, is the mud, this prevented us from filming on the grass because it was dangerous  and slippery. The location we filmed at was the perfect place for us, the weather actually had an impact on our horror film surroundings. 

As a group we got on really well when we were filming, we worked off each others ideas and got all the filming we needed to be done, done. before we started filming we decided on where about we were going to film in Bentley Priory. then we got on with the filming.

When we started filming we decided to film the scenes where we could see the full body first because it was     very likely we would get muddy throughout the day. We started off  by filming my scene where I am running away from the 'Killer' this was a long shot so my whole body was seen. We decided to film the scenes where we would have to be in the mud last because we would get very dirty in these scenes and we didn't want to look dirty in the earlier scenes where we were walking on the pavements.

We spent all day in the pouring rain filming our horror opening, we finally completed it after three hours of filming we had got all of our footage and had finished filming. Now all we had to do was edit all of our footage and put together our opening horror films.