Monday 10 March 2014

Pre- Filming Activities

The following images are photos from our day we spent filming ( and some other time!) they are all photos of the footage we did not use in our final product.

When we went to Bentley Priory we had already decided and knew what we wanted to film and what we wanted to achieve, we spent the whole day filming all of the footage and we did get what we wanted. It was a very successful day and what we needed to get filmed we did.

However when we got back to school and uploaded all of the footage we realised that what we thought would be a good, strong opening horror titles, wasn't. We realised that what we had got was too much like a trailer and therefore, didn't fit the task we had been set to do and we had to rethink what we could do to change it and improve it.

We then had to rethink what we could do to make our horror better. We decided to use some of our footage we took at Bentley Priory at the beginning of our two minute opening. We then chose to film in our school because it would work well with our idea because our main characters are teenagers and still in school.

We filmed in our school and we did get filmed what we needed to get done, but then we had the same problem and the filming was not correct and did not look right, so we had to think again about what we could do to complete our two minute opening.

 We finally decided to move where we filmed into the sixth form common room, this went really well and we got everything filmed in the space of two hours. We used the footage from the common room in our final horror opening.

As a result of filming, I think that, although we had bit of a hard time when it came to our footage, I think what we got looks great and really fits in with the horror conventions seen in real horror films.

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