Thursday 12 December 2013

Horror Genre Research

Below you will see our timeline of horror films, Shannon and myself researched all the horror movies and how they have developed over the years. We decided which horror films we wanted to add to our timeline, we wanted to do horror films that people would know about and would have watched. Our timeline ranges from the year 1910 all the way to the present year, 2013. By creating a timeline I learnt about how horror films have improved a lot since 1910, especially the graphics.We created the following timeline on Dipity. If you wish to view our timeline all the way to 2013, please click on 'view on dipity' in the top right hand corner.

When doing research we also created a prezi, Emma created this and the Prezi is about horror iconography. Throughout the Prezi there are different catogeries showing horror iconography. We found out about the different settings, weapons, locations and objects. I found out all the different weapons that different horror films use and the different locations they use to create the tension for the audience.

We also researched the different sub-genres of different horror films and who they appeal to and what is included in them. We researched Comedy Horror, Science fiction, supernatural Horror, Psychological Horror, Gothic horror and Slasher horror. When researching all of the different sub genres I learnt what is included in different sub - genres and how they attract different audiences.

Finally myself and Leah researched certificate ratings and what they mean for different films. We researched the U, PG, 12A, 12, 15 and 18 ratings and discovered why different types of films have those certificate ratings. For example many 18 films contain a lot of gore and strong language as well as sex references.

Monday 2 December 2013

Preliminary Task Evaluation

This evaluation was created on GoAnimate and throughout this evaluation clip we covered what we included in our preliminary task and we included examples of when we used it. We talked about how we thought our overall preliminary task went. This was created by myself and Leah.

This is another evaluation video also made on Goanimate made by Shannon and Emma. In this video we explained how we used the different media conventions and the media language. We also talked  about how teenagers can be stereotyped and we explained how we used miss-en-scene.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Preliminary task

This is our preliminary task it includes Match on Action, 180 Degree Rule and Shot reverse shot. We decided to make our scenario a student going into a detention. I am playing the role of the teacher and Shannon is playing the role of the student who is going into the detention, she has an attitude problem and causes a lot of fuss over nothing. Emma was another student who came into the detention late. To start this task off we all wrote the script together deciding on what camera angle we wanted that part of the script filmed at. Leah filmed the preliminary task ensuring that all of the key shots that were inteded to be used are involved.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Match On Action

The Activity 
Match on action is a filming technique that is used to show two different shots in a scene but both shots match the action and pace of the first shot. This shows continuity throughout the whole scene. The activity we were given was a scenario and we had to decide where the best place to put the cameras would be. Our scenario was to 'walk through a door' we put the cameras in two different places, both sides of the door. One was to the side of the character when she was going through the  door and the other camera was placed the other side of the door so we could see the character come through the door.

The simplest part of the activity was editing our video because there was only two different shots and they were very short so there was not much to cut and get rid off. The scenario we got given was somebody walking through a door. We had to make sure our video looked as realistic as possible, therefore, when editing we had to make sure that it flowed fluently. 

The most challenging part of the activity was the camera angles, this was because we had to make sure we put the cameras in the correct angle so that you didn't see anything other than the character and the door. We had to make sure the other camera wasn't in view because this could make our clip look unprofessional. We kept checking to make sure that both cameras were in the correct angle and you couldn't see either cameras. 

The positioning of the camera was important because we needed to ensure that we filmed all the correct parts; For Leah walking through the door we positioned one of the cameras behind her so we could see both her and the door. We positioned the other camera on the other side of the door so we could see her coming through the door and walking past. I think we positioned the cameras quite well. 

If I was to be more critical of my work I would slightly change the camera angle so that we get everything we need in the frame. 

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Demonstrating 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot

For this activity we worked in groups and we had to make a short video using the 180 degree rule. The activity was for us to experimenting using the 180 degree rule. The 180 degree rule is film technique where one character is talking to another and the camera stays at one side of both characters because of an imaginary line called the axis. In our video I was opposite Shannon and we showed the 180 degree rule by keeping the camera the same side and when it was my turn to talk the camera would be over Shannons shoulder so the audience can see me whilst I talk and the same thing happened when Shannon was talking but the camera was over my shoulder. 
Shot reverse shot is another film technique where one character is shown talking to another character and the other character is shown looking back at the first character. 
In this activity my role was being in the video in the conversation and I wrote the script that we used, we all decided to have our short video about a 'romantic dinner date' and I wrote the script using ideas from other members of my group. After I finished writing the script we went and filmed it and myself and Shannon played the two characters that were on a date. 


After we finished editing our video we had to assess ourselves and grade ourselves based on what we completed for the activity. We graded ourselves as an B1, we looked through all of the criteria and reflected back onto what we had done and anything we did and didn't do. We ensured that the we had good control of the camera by making sure it was not shaking when we were filming, we decided to put the camera on a tripod so that it would be at a certain angle and we wouldn't have to worry about it being shaken. I think our framing was ok, because we were both sitting opposite sides of a table so we filmed all of mine first and then went on to Shannon, if we both sat in the same place then when we edited it, it would look like we were both sitting in exactly the same place and this would look odd. So by sitting in different places it looked like we were on a dinner date and the framing shows the relationship between the two characters. We did not really think about miss-en-scene, we mainly thought about the script and how we were going to film it, however we did place the two characters either side of a table to make it look like they were on a date.

We could improve on our eye line there was between the two characters by ensuring that the angle was in the same place for both characters and not closer to one character than the other. When we next have to do an activity like this I will have more thought about where we will be setting the video and where the camera is placed.

As well as assessing ourselves we also got peer - assessed by another group and they said that our editing and our video over all was good, they graded us a B1/A3, they also said that our conversation flowed well and we demonstrated shot reverse shot well.

We edited our video by using iMovie, this really helped our whole video come together because we filmed each frame separately (One character said one sentence, we stopped filming, then filmed the other characters response etc) once we finished we uploaded all clips on to iMovie and put it all together. Our final video was successful because we put all the clips in the correct order and the conversation flowed steadily. This would make the meaning apparent to the audience because of the setting and how the characters were speaking it set of the impression that there was a date occurring.
We demonstrated the 180 degree rule effectively because we stayed on one side of both characters and we positioned the camera in the correct place. 

I would improve the footage we have by making sure that both characters are looking at each other so when it comes to editing it looks more effective. I also need to ensure that the camera is positioned at the same height and angle for both characters and isn't closer to one character and further away from the other. 

Monday 30 September 2013


In class we had to make a storyboard based round a stimulus we got given by our teacher. The
 stimulus I recieved, was the movie Taken. We had template of a story board we had to fill in by drawings of different camera shots and angles. We done the key scenes of the film as we thought these would be most effective and creative for us to make. After we filmed the story boards, we got a camera and acted out each scene we drew on the storyboard using the camera shots and angles.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Introduction to my blog

My name is Fern Duggan
My candidate number is 9234
I go to Swakeleys School 6th form

The reason I am producing this blog is for evidence for my foundation portfolio. I didn't do media studies for GCSE, however I am taking it now because it looks like an interesting subject that i will enjoy. I am interested to see how the media works and I am also looking forward to making videos, editing them and making them look good! By doing media, I think it would be a good influence on my plans for the future as I am considering a career in the world of performing arts. Whilst I am doing my AS, I will be creating a horror film opening.