Tuesday 14 January 2014

Horror Film Step Outline

For this task I had to watch two different horror film openings (which only consisted of watching the first two minutes) and analyse everything that happens within that period of time. I had to write about the timings, sound, mise-en-scene, typology and editing. I found this challenge quite challenging because I had to keep stopping the film and writing down all the details about it and I found writing everything down difficult. I found Sweeney Todd easier because was a full two minutes and there was a lot going on that I could write about. However I found Cabin In The Woods more challenging because the opening titles only consisted of 59 seconds. By watching these film titles I saw how they are made to be freaky and scare the audience to draw them in. On both film titles I noticed that eerie music is played constantly to create tension - instruments such as drums and violins were used. Often sound effects were played suddenly, such as thunder and lightening sounds. I think by using music creates an effect and makes the titles more interesting and intriguing to an audience. I went on 'Artofthetitles.com' to get the openings of both films.

However this task did help myself and my group to develop our ideas for our own opening horror titles. We each watched different opening titles to different horror films, this way we each had more ideas to use on our own opening horror titles. As a group we all noticed that most opening titles had a bold red font stating what the movie was called, this is because red represents danger, blood and mystery so the use of red font would fit in with our own film titles.

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