Sunday 12 January 2014

Film pitch, Padlet and Ammendments

In our group we had to write down a detailed plan of our horror film, we had to include: The title, log line, sub genre, a detailed synopsis and resources we need. To start off with we had to think of a title for our horror film. We came up with the idea of having an internet related title as our horror is internet based. We decided on the name 'into-net' for our horror film. Next we had to say what our subgenre is and ours is a psychological based genre. We had to think up a logline but we had to think about this so we left it blank for the first part.  It consists of a 'killer' who hunts teenage girls down on the popular networking site 'Facebook' they arrange to meet and he then tortures them. We next had to write a detailed synopsis of the beginning, middle and end of our film, we found this quite challenging because we hadn't thought through every single thing that was going to happen throughout our horror. We had to then go on to write about all the resources we needed to make filming our horror successful.

After we completed our pitch we created a padlet so our peers could read what our horror film is going to be about, where we are filming it and all our ideas. After they had read this they would of commented a what they liked about our film idea and what they thought we could improve on. After everyone had written what they liked and what they thought we could improve on we looked at what everyone had said. See our padlet below.

After looking at the comments we went back to our film pitch to improve it. We made sure that our synopsis was clearer and more detailed, we also explained the reason why all these things are happening. I enjoyed this task because as a group we all really thought in depth about our horror film and how we are going to bring it all together and why things will happen. I did find thinking of a detailed synopsis challenging as well as thinking of a log line. But I really did enjoy doing this task.

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