Monday 27 January 2014


What is an Ident? 
An ident is what we identify things by. In the film industry, we use idents to recognise what company the film was made an example of an ident is 'Dreamworks'. Every company has a different ident that we all know and will recognise when we see it. Different fonts, camera angles, images and sounds are all part of an ident.

Lionsgate -

The following Ident is 'Lionsgate' (2013) and it is 23 seconds long. The Lionsgate ident changes a lot and gets updated so the graphics, sounds and fonts look better. The ident shows what looks like the world, the quickly skims over space with clouds and stars scattered all over the place with the music building up more and more tension. The movement is very quick as the viewer speeds backwards at a very fast pace to reveal the word 'Lionsgate' that appears through the clouds. It finishes with the word 'Lionsgate' very bold with a bright light behind it shining brightly. When the 'Lionsgate' title comes into the picture, everything slows down and goes at a slower pace so all focus is turned to the name of the company.

Intention - The amount of darkness and eeriness that is being created throughout the ident may suggest that there is going to be a lot of tension and power throughout the film. The ident itself is very powerful and bold, especially the font. The way that the music is in the background also influences that they are a strong company. The music is very strong and powerful and the instrumnets range from trumpets to drums that gradually get louder and end with a powerful note.

Lionsgate is known to be used for many horror films and therefore this ident can help me with my own ident for my horror film I am making because of the way it looks and the type of music and fonts used.

Many film companies update their idents as the years go by and they become more succsessful as film companies and the graphics improve. Lionsgate has improved their ident many times, the latest ident being the one I have embedded above (2013).

The ident below is the first ever ident that was used for Lionsgate, this was made in 1999.

This ident is very different from the latest one. It is not very intriguing and the music used is very simple. The music is building up to the image of the lion being made by streaks of light. After the lion has appeared, slowly, in a bright, gold, eyecatching font the title of the company, 'Lions Gate Films' comes into veiw.

In comparison to the 2013 ident, the 1999 one really is quite plain and boring. Theres not much movement occuring on screen and the music gradually gets louder and then just stops leaving the title and lion. The graphics are very poor compared to the 2013 one with the dark blue sky and stars revealing the bold and eye catching 'Lionsgate' ident.

Walt Disney-

The above ident I have emended is the original Walt Disney ident. It is very plain but easily can catch the attention of potential audiences. It starts off with the Disney castle slowly being formed, starting from the top with a gentle twinkling sound in the background gradually getting louder as more of the castle is revealed. There is then a big beam of light coming from the front of the castle which then reveals the title in swirly letters 'Walt Disney' in white with 'Pictures' written underneath in a toned down font. A star then shoots over the top of the castle leaving a trail behind it. The music slows down and ends with a flute sound.

Walt Disney is a very popular and well known ident by people all around the world of all different ages. Disney realesed their first film in the early 50's and has had many, many more films since, each time the graphics improving. Disney is a very popular film company.

The ident for Disney is very popular and therefore has not been altered or changed much. But the most recent ident is very different compared to the classic ident. there is more going on in the latest ident.

In the ident I have embedded above it starts with a clear night sky and the camera slowly moves down through the clouds whilst there is a gentle ringing of chimes that slowly turns into a burst of violins and various other instruments leading up to a river, that is flowing behind the Disney castle. We see the flag at the top of the castle first whilst the camera is zooming out we see more of the castle  , there is an array of fireworks behind the castle, whilst the fireworks are being shown behind the castle, the front of the well lit castle comes in to view.  The music slows down and becomes calmer, then a bright shooting star zooms over the top of the Disney castle leaving a trail of sparkles. When the star reaches the other side of the castle, the words ' Walt Disney ' appear in a bright, clear, swirly font. The ident ends with a perfect view of the castle and 'Walt Disney' written in front whilst triumphant music is being played.

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